福岡の制作会社ディーゼロと仙台の制作会社ASAが業務提携― 地方都市の広告制作事業の将来像を描く ―
福岡に拠点を置き、全国に向けてクリエイティブを提供するWEB専業の制作プロダクション株式会社ディーゼロ(本社:福岡県福岡市中央区、代表取締役 矢野修作、以下「ディーゼロ」)と、仙台に拠点を置き、海外案件を日本の地方都市で制作する体制を構築する株式会社ASA(本社:宮城県仙台市青葉区、代表取締役:小林篤信 / 松谷有徳、以下「ASA」)は、「地方都市におけるデジタルコンテンツ制作事業のモデルケース開発」を目的とし、業務提携契約を締結いたしました。
ASA は2001年より映像・WEBサイト・アプリ等のデジタルコンテンツ制作を行っており、企画・設計から構築・実装までワンストップで提供できる企業です。単に開発~納品をするだけではなく、その後の運用・管理サポートまで、クライアントのご要望に幅広く対応できる体制を整えております。また2015年には社内を再編し、海外の広告制作物を受託制作できるよう、サンフランシスコに拠点を設けました。
D-ZERO, Fukuoka and ASA Digital, Sendai join forces in a businesspartnership
– D-ZERO and ASA Digital have teamed up with a shared vision to provide advertising production services for regional towns and cities –
A Fukuoka based digital content production company, D-ZERO co.,ltd.(hereafter D-ZERO), specializing in web and creative services for domestic clients, and ASA Group(hereafter ASA Digital), a digital production company that has been building a framework for producing digital content with an international reach for regional towns and cities across Japan, have joined forces in a business partnership to develop a business model
for digital content production aimed at regional towns and cities.
D-ZERO, established in 2000, has worked on various projects for a large number of clients nationwide and provides a one stop production service for digital design. D-ZERO,with a special touch of Fukuoka charm, offers planning, design, development and operation, and boasts of the quality and creativity provided which appeals to the whole of Japan.
Since 2001, ASA Digital has produced digital content for the web, video, apps, etc, and also provides a one-stop production service. From planning and design to development and implementation, ASA Digital offers not only these regular production services, but also various types of specialized services such as operation and managerial support,executed by a diverse and skilled team in order to meet the demands of clients.
As it is forecast that regional economies will shrink in the future due to declining birth rates, an aging population, urban population growth, and the concentration of wealth in these metropolises, there is a need to take this into consideration if the company is to prosper and regional economies flourish.
Both D-ZERO and ASA Digital are looking to combat the problem by taking advantage of their well-developed IT talents, business know-how, and abundant resources to create a business model based on a philosophy of “recovering local economies”, one that allows growth for cities by nurturing the economy and generating opportunities for workers.
D-ZERO, which is able to meet the high demands for the next wave of digital products,and ASA Digital, with a focus on an international business profile as well as complete production and management support, share a vision of a bright future for developing regional areas and aspire not only to successful business growth but also to fortifying those regional economies by making working in local areas attractive through producing
high-quality content and in turn increasing employment.
本社:福岡県福岡市中央区薬院1丁目14-5 MG薬院ビル2F
本社:宮城県仙台市青葉区一番町2丁目8-18 仙台中央ビル8F
代表取締役:小林篤信 / 松谷有徳
株式会社ディーゼロ 矢野、黒木
Tel:092-736-5255 Mail:info@d-zero.co.jp
株式会社ASA 管理本部 五十嵐、山本
Tel:022-302-5967 Mail:info@asainc.jp
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