Research Nester Private Limitedは、エンタープライズサーバー市場の予測評価を提供する調査レポートを2020年9月 24日 に発刊しました。これは、エンタープライズサーバー市場の成長ドライバー、市場機会、課題、脅威など、いくつかの主要な市場ダイナミクス強調しています。
The global enterprise server market is expected to grow as government initiatives to drive digitalization grow, and the need to adopt the equipment needed for IT infrastructure is increasing. Increasing organizational input to advanced networks and IT infrastructure, increased adoption of enterprise servers by some end-user industries, and technological advances are also expected to drive market growth.
The global enterprise server market value in 2019 is US $ 76,480 million and is expected to reach US $ 139,996 million by the end of 2025. It is also projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.8% during the 2020-2025 forecast period. The market is expected to grow due to an increasing number of key trends in customized client-centric solutions and an increasing use of advanced technologies such as virtualization and cloud computing technologies.
In addition, the increasing need for enterprise servers with low refresh cycles between organizations is expected to drive the market during the forecast period. The global enterprise server market is further expected to have $ 734.4 million in 2020 compared to the previous year. In addition, the market is expected to gain an absolute $ 56,172.0 million opportunity by growing at 1.67x during the forecast period.
New technology for enterprise servers
Several advances related to enterprise servers, such as virtualization and flash storage, are increasing the adoption of enterprise servers among end users. Also, with sophistication, the production of efficient devices for enterprise servers is increasing. In recent years, the advances observed in storage architecture have also reduced the price of flash storage devices.
On the other hand, increasing use of server virtualization and server consolidation helps businesses build disaster recovery solutions by improving server consolidation and hardware abstraction capabilities. This is part of the factors that are expected to drive the growth of the global enterprise server market.
Increased investment in hyperscale data centers
The enterprise server market is primarily driven by increased investment in hyperscale data center capacity. In addition, the average server update cycle (about 5 years) is shifting companies to shorter cycles to keep up with technological advances in server technology. Meanwhile, due to technological innovation, every update cycle offers the opportunity to add new features.
Market segmentation
Reports by operating system (Unix, Linux, Windows, z / OS, i5 / OS and others), by form factor (blade, rack optimization, tower / stand-alone, multi-node), server class (medium range), high It provides a further overview of segmentation by hardware and software and a detailed analysis of its subsegments by range), type (managed servers, microservers, and unmanaged servers) and components (hardware and software).
エンタープライズサーバー市場における業界のリーダーはToshiba Corporation, Oracle, Cisco Systems Inc., Lenovo, Dell Technologies Inc., Inspur International Co., Ltd, Super Micro Computer Inc., Inventec Corporation, Hewlett Packard Enterprise Development LP, and NEC Corporationなどです。このレポートはさらに、組織の全従業員、主要戦略、企業の財務状況を説明する主要なマトリックス、合併や買収などの企業のいくつかの要因に関する詳細な分析も示しています。
· 北米(米国およびカナダ)市場規模、Y-O-Y成長、機会分析。
· ラテンアメリカ(ブラジル、メキシコ、アルゼンチン、ラテンアメリカのその他の地域)市場規模、Y-O-Y成長及び機会分析。
· アジア太平洋(中国、インド、日本、韓国、インドネシア、マレーシア、オーストラリア、ニュージーランド、アジア太平洋)市場規模、Y-O-Y成長及び機会分析。
· 中東及びアフリカ(イスラエル、GCC(サウジアラビア、アラブ首長国連邦、バーレーン、クウェート、カタール、オマーン)、北アフリカ、南アフリカ、中東およびアフリカのその他の地域)市場規模、Y-O-Y成長及び機会分析。
レポートのサンプルURL: https://www.researchnester.com/sample-request-2709
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Research Nester Private Limitedは、戦略的な市場調査とコンサルティングの大手サービスプロバイダーです。業界を支援するために、公平で比類のない市場洞察と業界分析を提供することを目指しています。また、業界が将来のマーケティング戦略、拡張、投資について賢明な決定を下せるようにも支援します。
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